The organizational structure of Nantou Management Office, Irrigation Agency from top to bottom includes:
1 Director, 1 Deputy Director, and 1 Chief Engineer. There are also the General Affairs Division, Finance Division, Management Division, Engineering Division, Accounting and Statistics Office, Human Resources Office, Counseling Office, and Information Management Office.
The General Affairs Division includes the Documentation Section, General Affairs Section, and Cashier Section. The Finance Division includes the Expropriation Section and Property Section. The Management Division includes the Irrigation Section and Supervision Section. The Engineering Division includes the Design Section and Construction Section.
There are also affiliated stations, including Kali Station, Wufeng Station, Jialau Station, Caotun Station, Tucheng Station, Guoxing Station, Dapingding Station, Fuxing Station, Puli Station, and Yuchi Station.
Formulation, implementation and review of irrigation plans, formulation and implementation of water source regulations, distribution, drought relief and flood prevention measures; maintaining and managing channels, formulating improvement plans and engineering designs for the reference of water administration operation investigations, finding of facts, and petition case processing; utilization management of water check gates and drainage gates, water rights acquisition registration applications and pump operation management; statistics and utilization of meteorological and hydrological data, abandoned canal land and canal relocation cases determination.
- Irrigation facility scope planning and announcement
- Investigations into changes in state-owned irrigation land management organizations
- Management of irrigation facilities for other uses
- Irrigation water quality operation management
- Applications for permission for non-farmland drainage to be discharged within the scope of irrigation facilities (waterway arrangements)
- Irrigation damage, disputes and litigation
- Establishment and management of basic level irrigation working groups
- Assisting in processing of resolutions passed by villagers meetings in irrigation operation areas
Manages the division in accordance with instructions from the director. Related responsibilities include:
- Engineering design planning
- Formulation of engineering project plans within the jurisdiction
- Development of various engineering design standards, construction specifications and material specifications
- Phased implementation of comprehensive land improvement work programs
- Execution of items in the annual plan and budget for various projects
- Investigation, measurement and design of various projects (including house renovation projects)
- Groundwater development and rotating irrigation based on land rezoning
- Engineering economic surveys and research
- Engineering test research and reports
- Engineering cost calculation and depreciation assessment
- Project grants and loan proposals
- Geodetic surveys (other than hydrographic surveys) and geological drilling
- Engineering drawing printing, publication and data storage
- Surveying and statistical application of engineering materials and labor
- Planning and user guidance for mechanical and electrical (including machinery, electrical) and other equipment for ancillary engineering projects
- Engineering project land planning and acquisition, data provision
- Review of engineering projects of affiliated organizations (including labor employment, labor recruitment and material procurement)
- Quality control, inspection, supervision and reinspection of engineering project construction
- Engineering equipment inspection and supervision
- Surplus and retired equipment survey
- Reservoir improvement and soil and water conservation
- Other related engineering design
- Matters assigned by the director
- Construction supervision of various engineering projects
- Engineering project bidding, contracting, guaranteeing and notarization
- Scheduling and allocation registration of engineering materials and tools
- Engineering project progress proposals, assessment reports, construction records, photography and statistics
- Project contractor requisition and payment calculation and reporting
- Engineering disaster management and design changes during construction
- Final accounts and statistical report on engineering project completion
- Completed engineering project transfers
- Engineering site security and worker management
- Statistical registration of engineering project results
- Engineering project valuation and depreciation assessment registration
- Labor recruitment, and material procurement for engineering projects
- Construction firm survey registration and qualification review
- Setting up of accounts for various engineering projects
- Other related engineering evaluations
- Matters assigned by the director
- Official document receiving, distribution, registration and handing to the person in charge to sign, document typing, proofreading, printing, issuing and filing.
- Pursuing and urging the submission of overdue official documents for listed cases (public petitions, applications, assignments from superior units etc.)
- Production, review and discussion of weekly, monthly and annual reports
- Official document filing management, electronic scanning and filing of official documents, and filing of annual report statistics
- File borrowing and review, file organization and destruction
- Compilation and recording of meeting materials for the irrigation affairs council and other meetings
- Compilation of annual operation supervision report data and annual inspections of workstations
- Collection and and compilation of important office milestones as a reference when compiling council annals and planning future policies
The cashier operations of the office have been integrated and computerized, with the main responsibilities including payroll management, marketable securities management, and various income and expenditure management affairs. Computerized online operations ensure the processing of business is prompt and accurate, saving manpower and improving efficiency
General Affairs Section
- Asset acquisition, registration, operation, maintenance, impairment loss
- Purchasing, sending, receiving and storing items, registration and reporting, waste disposal
- Engineering project material preparation, procurement, material warehousing management, material accounting management
- Vehicle registration and inspection, dispatch and appointment, fuel management, maintenance and repair, deactivation and retirement, accident handling, driver management
- Office interior layout, environmental layout, indoor order and environmental sanitation maintenance, energy conservation management
- Registration for the use of assembly venues, venue layout, reception, venue cleaning and maintenance management
- Irrigation affairs council related business
Property Section:
- Real estate management
- Acquisition of irrigation land
- About land disposal
- About land registration and cadastral management
- Miscellaneous taxes
- Financial plan formulation
- About land leasing, lending and leasing business
Collection Section:
- Determination and collection of fees
- Overdue payment collection
- Charge review and accounting processing
- Auditing collection operations
- Cadastral surveying and storage of actual survey maps
- Various subsidies and loans
- Financial scheduling
Responsible for budget preparations and reviews, fund account reviews etc. Each division and office provide information for the budget, with reference to the implementation of the approved budget the previous year, taking into account natural increases and decreases, and based on the principle of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure and optimizing the balance, when verifying and compiling the budget.
Compiling and allocating the budget at the beginning of the year and handing it to each division and office for implementation and control, while introducing internal audits and financial controls. The final accounts are processed based on various account books at the end of the year.
- Formulation and implementation of detailed service rules and formulation of implementation methods for responsibilities at different levels
- Processing welfare matters such as the issuance and review of various subsidies and benefits (salaries, increments, bonuses), cultural and recreational events, award recognition of senior and top performing staff, employee birthday celebrations etc.
- Plans to send personnel abroad on official trips, training and further studies, assessments, rewards and punishments etc.
- Approval, proposal and notification of staff recruitment, compensation standard reviews, planning and hiring contract staff
- Pension payments and survivors' benefits
- Matters relating to labor insurance, health insurance, second-generation health insurance and Labor Standards Act (labor-management meetings, labor retirement etc.)
- Publicity and training on the two human rights conventions, gender equality and environmental education
- Promotion of legal common knowledge and civil service ethics
- Prevention and eradication of corruption
- Maintenance of official confidentiality
- Organization of security protections
- Assist operational supervisory units process complaints and petitions
- Investigation and processing of complaints and discovery and processing of corruption and criminal cases
- Matters assigned by the director
Formulation of appropriate information security management measures in accordance with the Cyber Security Management Act, to ensure the safe and effective control of information processing, transmission, storage and circulation in the office.
- Formulation of information security policy
- Allocation of rights and responsibilities for information security
- Staff management and information security education and training
- Computer system security management
- Network security management
- System access control management
- System development and maintenance of security management
- Information asset security management
- Physical and environmental security management
- Sustainable operation plan management